
With the new technologies that have come out in recent years, more and more artists are finding ways to move their art into the digital world.


For artists and art enthusiasts who want to stay up to date on the newest technologies, and artists, Artech is a magazine that brings the two together.



Digital technologies are changing the way in which artists view the world.


What is it?

The brand involves a website to link up to other individuals, as well as a convention to show he latest and greatest projects, and finally an editorial to keep everyone up to date on the newsest breakthroughs.

How does it Work?

It has physical locations in which conventions are held, it also has magazines, to stay updated with, and users are able to meet online and share their skills with each other.

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Come to one of our annual conventions!

When users go to one of our convetions they are able to see real technologies and art in progress. They can take classes and meet other people in the industry.

Network Online

If users aren't able to meet in person they are still able to network through the web site in order to share skills and stay updated with others.

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