
Educational Inequality is a prevalent issue in today’s society. Our team is tasked with addressing the problem of an unequal distribution of resources. With higher education becoming more expensive, more and more people are attempting to start a career without a degree, but find themselves struggling to meet qualification standards.


GIST connects employers with potential employees who are looking to expand their skill set. Employers have the ability to post job openings with video course requirements so that users can compete and earn a certification for this training in order to apply for the position.

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1.2 million
Drop out of high school.

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HS grads don't go to college.

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Drop out of college.

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How does Gist make a difference?

It is a resource for adults who met roadblocks that stopped them from graduating high school, going to college, or from moving toward a successful career in a field they are passionate about. Gist also prepares potential employers with a shortcut to highly motivated individuals that have already gone through the process of learning more about their field and the work it entails.

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How does it Work?

GIST connects employers that are willing to take employees with less training, as they will be more able to mold to the company’s preferences, with employees that are passionate to learn. It offers courses that the employers can request and will help to schedule in-person interviews.

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Paving the Path to Success

To make sure we took into account all of the different paths a user may need we mapped out everything on a whiteboard. THen we tested those paths, added anything that seemed to be missing and crreated our formal site map to keep track of what screens and assets would be needed for the app.

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Choose your Path

The Gist users are able to choose their path starting with deciding between a career oriented path or they can choose to take miscellaneous courses that are of interest to them. then they are able to choose a field of study that they are interested in.

Field of Study

Once a field is choosen the user is able to follow a pre assigned course or they can flip around and choose videos based on what they are interested in. Once they watch a video they are takent to a short quiz to test their knowledge on what they've just been taught.

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Right Answer

After every short video there will also be a short quiz to keep the user engaged with the information that they are learning. After getting the answers right the user will be able to move on to the next video.

Wrong Answer

If a user gets questions wrong they will be notified by a message that lets them know they need to rewatch the video. Users must get 100% of the questions right in order to move on to the next video.

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Testing your Knowledge

After watching all of the videos in a course and passing all of the short quizzes users will then be prompted to take a much longer test which will be the deciding factor of whether or not they pass the course.

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Pathway to Success

Gist allows it's users another pathway to their goals. This way users can make their education fit their lifestyle.

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